Monday, May 23, 2011

Stuff is shaping up.

As you can see, the cockpit is shaping up.

Base coat of the paint has been applied, metallic paint dry-brushed on tomorrow.  
  Here's a little bit of dressing we already started working on.
 Here is our artist's Pirate Space Ship, It looks a bit cooler in game, with the normal map and all thrown over it.

Also Arduino, breadboard and wires:


  1. Yo! Seriously impressed with the "woodwork", as I was with the hardware/software work! Noticed my old blue breadboard in there, too! Can't wait for a test flight!

  2. Hey! yeah, the breadboard it in a cozy mess of wires at the moment.
    I'd like to have some pictures of the machine in it's current state online, but at the post-mortem next monday our work will be featured alomong others, anyone's invited to come have a look, so if you feel like it, we'l post exact data about it later!
